Temple Terrace, FL
[Excerpt from my article on Ocean Waste]
1995, electronic devices have become more available at lower cost.
average, each U.S. household has at least four small (<10 lb) and
three large (>10lb) electronic waste products in storage, which
represents more than 1.36 million tons of toxic wastes,"
(Health, Moeller).
In the United States alone, estimates reveal 100,000 personal
computers are discarded every day. This fact is compounded by
several factors which have created the E-Waste crisis. ["(1)
the small size and short life span of such devices; (2) a lack of
understanding of their adverse impacts on the environment and public
health; (3) the fact that these impacts occur throughout the life
cycle of such products, extending from the acquisition of the raw
materials to their manufactures and disposal; (4) the sheer magnitude
of the problem; (5). the absence of recycling policies"]
(Health, Moeller).
When the E-waste is dumped, the levels of lead among children have
been at 15.3 ųg
dl-^1 compared to 10ųg dl-^1 LD 50. Lead is not the only toxic
material in electronic devices. Cadmium, Cobalt, Mercury, and
Polyvinyl chloride are some others that cause various health
complications in humans and animals. Breathing in particles and
touching components are equally dangerous. E-Waste became an ocean
waste problem because of two reasons. One, the amount of E-Waste has
grown, making its way into the mix of ocean waste at sea. Two, the
government officials of developing nations in Africa and also China
have allowed the United States and European Unions to ship millions
of tons of E-waste and hazardous waste to their countries. The basis
for the acceptance of this trash is because of money and the fallacy
that some of the trash is reusable and safe to pick by residents.
The grim reality of this process can be seen in Ghana, where mounds
of E-Waste are piled up along the beaches. Children and adults have
begun to notice the adverse health effects of being exposed to toxic
levels of the materials. For example, when exposed through
inhalation of Cobalt, reduced pulmonary function as well as lung
cancer have been observed. Polyvinyl chloride is major contributor
to cancer of the liver, brain, and lungs either through touching in
certain states or breathing particles. "The
UN Office on Drugs and Crime has estimated that the EU generates 8.7
million tonnes of e-waste a year and that African countries,
primarily Nigeria and Ghana, 'run the risk of becoming the rubbish
dumps of the planet.' ,"
This figure was from 2010. This is not only a moral issue, but a
human rights violation. In 1989, recommendations from the United
Nations Environmental Programme were addressed due to the news of
"silent trades" as I mentioned earlier by the United States
and European Union. These recommendations were reviewed in 1994 at
the Geneva conference (Health,
To date, no change has been sited as to a cease in shipments of the
E-waste and hazardous waste.
[Excerpt from my article on Ocean Waste]
Source:http://www.maximumpc.com/article/ story_e-waste_what_happens_ tech_once_its_trash |
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